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System kills passion/inner drive. What to do?

A System is a dynamic combo of 3 Ms. Mindsets, Methods, and Money. It has a goal. When its goal conflicts with your goal, it starts affecting you. It starts killing your energy which is the source of your passion / inner drive, it starts eroding your energy. A vicious cycle of frustration, anxiety, hopelessness, hope on the other side, and more or less similar experiences sets in.

The key question is - what to do in this situation? And the answer lies in 3Ss. Self, System, and Satisfaction.

Self (you) must have deep knowledge of the system(3Ms) you work in. This knowledge must be used intentionally, consciously, and continually to generate your satisfaction. This intentional, conscious, and continual work on satisfaction will energize your inner drive, your passion. You must also do one more thing - set your supreme value; something that you will never negotiate on.


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